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Heartfulness Path
Profound Wisdom and Love Are Found Within.
The Bravest Act is Opening the Heart
and Loving Yourself Fully,
Which Reveals the Truth
Heartfulness Path articles provide thoughtful reflection and information to provide resources for health, healing, well being and discovery. Promising research, life-enhancing art, psychology, science, spirituality, creativity, healing modalities, therapies, sound, inspirational poetry and prose are offered to enlighten and support health and wholeness. It is a space of renewal and empowerment for enhancing individual and collective consciousness. You are invited to engage with wisdom, discovery, curiosity, innovation, wonder, and creativity from all realms of human endeavor.
Individual CounselingAn integral approach to Healing encourages a cohesive alliance with your Mental, Physical, Emotional And Spiritual Attributes ensuring a healthy balance. Pain and trauma are not only experienced mentally and emotionally. The physical body holds the memory and disruptive energy accumulates in the body. Using sensory and somatic awareness this energy is allowed to dissipate while releasing the afflictive emotions that were incorporated. I focus on your needs and allow my guidance and awareness to use the most appropriate therapies for you to achieve your highest good.
Relationship CounselingRelationships are truly an exploration into the unknown and a mirror of our beliefs, judgments, strengths and weaknesses. They reflect the level of our consciousness and ability to love and care for our self and others. They offer the possibility for enormous growth. Counseling supports and empowers relationship through unmasking the stories, ferreting out assumptions, joining through the truth, and developing empathy and non-judgmental recognition of each person's perspective. Learning how to live a relational life enhances your ability to move through life with the freedom of your authentic self while staying connected to those you love.
Creating anew in a meaningful way to enrich our lives, expand our awareness, enjoy more passion and fun, be in harmony with life, and feel love, abundance and connection is the intention of all of these offerings. Workshops engage you with playful effort to create a new version of your experience with reality, to expand your perspective, to free you from trauma, to learn how to love yourself, to improve your relationships and to live in your heart connecting with others and all of life. You are invited into a life filled with wonder, curiosity, acceptance, harmony, fulfillment, compassion and love by living a healthy, expansive and relational life.